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SwissSalary Magazine


    We are very proud to announce that SwissSalary Ltd. is the first and currently the only payroll provider in Switzerland to be awarded the "swissdec certified plus" label.


    This means that SwissSalary Ltd. is now ELM 5.0, KLE 1.0 and SUA 1.0 certified.


    All details and what this means for you can be found under the following link:

    Landingpage swissdec certified plus


    Click here for the news article from swissdec:

    swissdec news article


    • Text
    • Video
    • KLE
    • Microsoft Dynamics BC
    • SwissSalary 365
    • SwissSalary BAU
    • SwissSalary Direct
    • SwissSalary Ltd.
    • SwissSalary Store
    • Aargau
    • Appenzell Ausserrhoden
    • Appenzell Innerrhoden
    • Basel Land
    • Basel Stadt
    • Bern
    • Friburg
    • Geneva
    • Glarus
    • Graubünden
    • Jura
    • Lucerne
    • Neuchâtel
    • Nidwalden
    • Obwalden
    • Schaffhausen
    • Schwyz
    • Solothurn
    • St. Gallen
    • Thurgau
    • Ticino
    • Uri
    • Vaud
    • Wallis
    • Zug
    • Zurich
    • Demo license
    • Dynamics NAV
    • ELM
    • Family allowances
    • Field service
    • Income Tax
    • KLE
    • Leap year
    • NAV Object
    • Net Wage Compensation
    • Notifications
    • Password
    • Personnel list
    • Remark text
    • Roll center
    • Short-time work
    • SQL Server
    • Swissdec
    • Update
    • Wage Structure Survey