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SwissSalary Magazine


    What is the difference between Generative AI, ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot? In our new videos we introduce you to the technologies and show you how you can use Copilot in Business Central and SwissSalary 365! Analyzing lists, suggest job types, and draft job descriptions using Copilot are just the first of many possible features that will make our work easier in the future. Take a look for yourself

    • Text
    • Video
    • KLE
    • Microsoft Dynamics BC
    • SwissSalary 365
    • SwissSalary BAU
    • SwissSalary Direct
    • SwissSalary Ltd.
    • SwissSalary Store
    • Aargau
    • Appenzell Ausserrhoden
    • Appenzell Innerrhoden
    • Basel Land
    • Basel Stadt
    • Bern
    • Friburg
    • Geneva
    • Glarus
    • Graubünden
    • Jura
    • Lucerne
    • Neuchâtel
    • Nidwalden
    • Obwalden
    • Schaffhausen
    • Schwyz
    • Solothurn
    • St. Gallen
    • Thurgau
    • Ticino
    • Uri
    • Vaud
    • Wallis
    • Zug
    • Zurich
    • Demo license
    • Dynamics NAV
    • ELM
    • Family allowances
    • Field service
    • Income Tax
    • KLE
    • Leap year
    • NAV Object
    • Net Wage Compensation
    • Notifications
    • Password
    • Personnel list
    • Remark text
    • Roll center
    • Short-time work
    • SQL Server
    • Swissdec
    • Update
    • Wage Structure Survey