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    The Quality Release is available for our SwissSalary 365 SaaS customers via “Business Central admin center” -> “Apps”.


    Our onPrem customers (installed version) can download Quality Release 5060.001 as a ZIP file from our website in the protected area and import it manually. Please note the explanations in the manual that SwissSalary version 5060.000 must first be installed, and the update must be carried out. To do this, contact your NAV / Business Central partner.


    The innovations and corrections are available in the Update 5060.001 manual. The items of ALV deduction for people with the assignment of ‘low wage’ as well as creation of salary certificate with ‘Recalculate gross wage’ have been corrected. Wage reporting with swissdec 5.0 can be activated after the installation of the Quality Release.


    Quality Release 5060.001


    We wish you a lot of fun with the latest SwissSalary version!

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