It meets all the requirements for financial administrations, cities or municipalities in the standard scope alreadySwissSalary NSP

Payroll Accounting for Public Administrations

Public administrations have specific requirements for payroll accounting, no matter if it is handling
of several personnel positions, individual payslips or interfaces to external systems like teacher wage payment.

Individual Payslip

You determine the payment cycle and at the same time you can create several pay processes per month by assigning different payroll areas.

HR Management

Simplified administration owing to the integrated personnel information system used to store all employee data.

Personnel Positions

Several personnel positions are available per employee if several roles with different remuneration and insurance are effected.

Employee List

All relevant information is available at a glance, while the most important work processes can be started with a single click of a button.


Entitlements for vacation, holidays and time worked in advance are stored according to your staff regulations. The recruitment/resignation processes are also fully automated.


Interfaces to systems for public administrations like teacher wage payment, arrow pay rise tool or occupational pensions are available by default.

Diese öffentlichen Verwaltungen arbeiten nebst vielen anderen bereits mit SwissSalary NSP

SwissSalary NSP im Einsatz


Deshalb setzen Unternehmen auf SwissSalary NSP

Fully integrated in the complete solution by Axians Infoma Schweiz

SwissSalary NSP® is part of the branch solution
Infoma newsystem by our partner Axians Infoma Schweiz
and copes with, inter alia, high demands of multiple
personnel positions and the HRM2 chart of accounts.
For more information about the branch solution,
please visit the Infoma website.


Please contact us if you are interested in the NSP solution


SwissSalary NSP

Are you interested in a solution for public administrations?

Please contact us directly.